"The Leading Brain is the best integration of neuroscience and leadership that I have ever seen."
Dr. Jonathan Schooler Neuroscientist and Professor UC Santa Barbara

Powerful science-based strategies for achieving peak performance
Neuroscience has revolutionized our understanding of the mind and brain. These new insights will elevate the ways we learn, lead and collaborate to the next level. Learn for your business.THE REVOLUTION IS HERE
There’s a revolution going on, and yet most businesses seem completely oblivious.EVERYTHING IS CHANGING
Dazzling new technologies and surprising revelations have radically altered the way we understand our brains. Tools like functional MRI and optogenetics enable scientists to non-invasively observe and manipulate the brain’s regions in real time. Meanwhile, recent discoveries about neuroplasticity, mirror neurons, and oxytocin have exploded long-held myths about our basic limits and motivations. In other words, the game has fundamentally changed. Are your company’s leaders still operating under old rules and outdated assumptions?LEADERSHIP AND NEUROSCIENCE ARE CONVERGING
Using their ample experience in both neuropsychology and management consulting, internationally recognized experts Dr. Hans W. Hagemann and Friederike Fabritius have distilled the wisdom gleaned from hundreds of their seminars down to a single text. They’ve adapted the popular multi-day presentations they’ve delivered to tens of thousands of leaders all over the world and transformed them into a clear, insightful, and highly entertaining new book.USE THE BRAIN TO GAIN A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE
Aimed primarily at business executives, but applicable everywhere from down in the mailroom to up in the corner office, The Leading Brain: How the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience can empower leaders to create a better working world will show you how to effectively capitalize on the latest advancements in cognitive science. You’ll learn how to regulate your emotions, sharpen your focus, and how to break old habits and develop new ones. You’ll discover brain-based ways to learn more efficiently, make better decisions, cultivate trust, form teams that are truly diverse, and improve both individual and group performance.BE A LEADING BRAIN
The Leading Brain translates cutting-edge developments in brain science into solid strategies, tips, and techniques for training yourself and your team to perform with increased efficiency, heightened satisfaction, and resounding success!Do you Know?
- What commonplace behavior has been shown to decrease your IQ by as much as 15 points?
- When this happens, people typically take 50 percent longer to complete a task and make up to 50 percent more errors. When what happens?
- Skipping one of these has been found to result in a 30 percent reduction in cognitive skill. Skipping one what?
Early Endorsements

Get in touch directly with co-author Dr. Hans W. Hagemann
for his key notes, workshops, coachings, and cultural transformation programs.